Report of the Lieutenant Governor Marketing

Report of the Lieutenant Governor Marketing Christine Lennon DTM To make our clubs strong we need to focus on our members.  That’s why this year my focus will be on assisting our Clubs to become strong Clubs.  A strong Club is made up of members who work to create an...

Report of the Lieutenant Governor Marketing

Report of the Lieutenant Governor Marketing Christine Lennon DTM To make our clubs strong we need to focus on our members.  That’s why this year my focus will be on assisting our Clubs to become strong Clubs.  A strong Club is made up of members who work to create an...

LGET Report

REPORT OF THE LIEUTENTANT GOVERNOR EDUCATION & TRAINING IAN PINKER DTM Welcome fellow Toastmasters to another promising year of Toastmasters in District 69. Having attended a number of the Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) training sessions recently I will...

Dare to SPEAK

Dare to Speak Area 24, Southern Division seeks involvement and support from anyone who can help coordinate Dare to Speak to promote and build Toastmasters. Samantha Castelijn, a member of Helensvale Daybreak, has taken on the challenge of coordinating this series of...