Toastmasters Go Public with “Dare to Speak”
Come and learn the art of public speaking from Toastmasters at the Library in Nerang this autumn.
The “Dare to Speak” series of 5 “free” workshops is designed to teach public speaking techniques to the community.
Vice-President Public Relations for Nerang Toastmasters Dr Vinnie Monaco said “he is amazed at how many people still struggle with the art of speaking publicly”.
“Public speaking is in the top five most commonly held fears,” Dr Monaco said.
“People don’t realise how quickly and easily they can learn the skills and develop the confidence to take to the stage, have fun and really shine”.
This Community Program is designed to focus on refining participants’ communication, persuasion and presentation skills.
Dr Monaco said “teaching these techniques to the community is a new concept and by going into the community he is tackling the problem at a grass roots level”.
“Freedom of speech is an unadulterated privilege and a constitutional right and when people understand its true power the whole community benefits,” Dr Monaco said.
“A community that can communicate openly is well connected, integrated and proactive and enjoys a stronger sense of community”.
The 5 “Dare to Speak” workshops include; Speaking to Inform, Persuasive, Special Occasion, Humorous and Story Telling.
The “free” Dare to Speak workshops commence on Mon 3rd March from 10am-12pm at The Nerang Library.
Everyone in attendance at any of the workshops will have the opportunity to win a “free” Initial Consultation with Dr Monaco donated by Natural Rhythms-Nerang. As Dr Monaco says “when you free-up the body you free-up the voice”.
Bookings are essential and can be made through the Nerang Library by phone: (07) 5581 7180 or on-line at:
For more editorial information contact: Dr Vinnie Monaco at Natural Rhythms: (07) 5596-6888 or e-mail: