Broncos Leagues Club Tuesday 28th July 6-10pm
An exclusive opportunity for a maximum of 5 participants
Total retail value: $1259 plus 25% discount on 12 months of additional coaching as requested.
Price: $595 (less than half price)
for more information Master Class July
Interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to hone your skills with two World-Class champions?
Email to register.
Payment may be made to the account below. Use your surname as a reference.
BSB 034 119
OPEN SESSION: Manner, matter and method
Alternatively Jock and David will run an Open Session at Broncos Leagues Club on Monday 27th July 6-9 pm.
Manner, matter & method are at the heart of every presentation you make.
Miss any of these three core elements and your speech will miss the mark.
David and Jock will share with you the fruits of over 60 years of professional speaking and training.
Fabulous value for this three hour session : just $25
Email to register.
Payment may be made to the account below. Use your surname as a reference.
BSB 034 119
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