District Governor’s Message
Fellow members of District 69, welcome to the final edition of Corroboree for the 2014-2015 Toastmasters year.
As I reflect on the past year I ask were has the year gone? Time is a strange concept which you have no control over, it is only how it is used that make the difference. At times a few extra hours in the day would have been of benefit.
At the District Convention a new team was elected to take the District forward with new ideas and enthusiasm. To them I wish them the best of luck and an enjoyable journey, and that they have the support of the members as I was fortunate to have.
One of my aims was to have a strong, knowledgeable and dedicated District Executive to go forward with in the year. I was most fortunate to have such an Executive who gave me that and much more, thank you so much to you all.
On reflection the last year and beyond was a time of surprises, challenges, inspirational moments and satisfaction. Fellow members, if you wish to learn more about yourself and challenge yourself, and at the same time improve your leadership and communication skills as I did, consider taking on a District Executive role and be rewarded.
To my dear old friends and the new friends made during the year, thank you for your support and inspiration along the way, Toastmasters is such a strong family to be enjoyed and appreciated.
On reflection, it has been an amazing year and to you all, thanks for the journey.
Ian Pinker DTM
District 69 Governor 2014 – 2015
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