District 69 Changeover Dinner

District 69 Changeover Dinner

The District 69 Changeover Dinner will be held in the Blue Pacific Ballroom of the Kedron-Wavell Services Club, 21 Kittyhawk Drive, Chermside. (Thank you to the wonderful folk at Kedron-Wavell Services Club for providing community support of $1000, which...
District Conference Website

District Conference Website

Our District Conference is Fast Approaching. Here’s a link to the Conference Website. The site features venue details, a sneak peek at two of our speakers, an overview of the program and a booking form for those yet to register. (Please note this is a work in progress...
D69 Newsletter / Website / Social Media Awards 2023

D69 Newsletter / Website / Social Media Awards 2023

It’s that time of the year when we ask members for submissions for the District 69 Newsletter, Website and Social Media Awards. The Newsletter Award seeks to recognise those members and clubs, which have regularly communicated with their members using a written...
Sunnybank Toastmasters Celebrate 50th Anniversary!

Sunnybank Toastmasters Celebrate 50th Anniversary!

Congratulations to all members, past and present, on a remarkable achievement. The Club was chartered in December 1972. Gough Whitlam had just been elected Prime Minister, Olympian Shane Gould was Australian of the Year, and ‘The Aunty Jack Show’ premiered...