by admin | Jan 23, 2015 | Corroboree, District News
The G20 Summit provided Chelmer Speakers President Phillip Bate DTM who is a journalist in his other life outside of Toastmasters, with a wonderful opportunity to watch some of the world’s best communicators and/or politicians ‘strut their...
by admin | Jan 23, 2015 | Corroboree, District News
A leader sees the potential in others and actively encourages them to develop; helping them to step outside their comfort zone into challenging roles where they can grow. Perhaps you know a fellow Toastmaster who would benefit from taking on a leadership role in...
by admin | Nov 24, 2014 | District News, Events
In June 2015, lucky Toastmasters will have the opportunity for the speaking holiday of a lifetime: a masterclass session with Jock Elliott followed by Speaking Competitions held in the stunning location of Norfolk Island is on offer a small group of Toastmasters from...
by precedence | Nov 24, 2014 | District News, Events
In June 2015, lucky Toastmasters will have the opportunity for the speaking holiday of a lifetime: a masterclass session with Jock Elliott followed by Speaking Competitions held in the stunning location of Norfolk Island is on offer a small group of Toastmasters from...
by admin | Nov 15, 2014 | District News, Educational Articles
Organisations know that losing effective leaders or managers with their experience, product knowledge and contacts can have a big impact on the company’s performance. They also know that, for various reasons such as career advancement, health, retirement, people will...
by precedence | Nov 15, 2014 | District News, Educational Articles
Organisations know that losing effective leaders or managers with their experience, product knowledge and contacts can have a big impact on the company’s performance. They also know that, for various reasons such as career advancement, health, retirement, people will...
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