10 tips for a successful presentation

10 tips for a successful presentation

Ten top tips to help you plan and deliver a successful presentation 1. Know your material. Speak about a topic you’re interested in and know a lot about. Reinforce your message with facts and statistics, if possible. 2. Make it personal. Use humour, personal anecdotes...
District Conference 2018

District Conference 2018

The Toastmasters District 69 conference for 2018 was held over the weekend of the 28th and 29th of April. Official proceedings began on Saturday morning, but a well run Toastmasters meeting and social evening were held on Friday night.  The advanced Toastmasters club,...

101 Artistic Toastmasters

Throughout history the visionary artist has expressed the essence of the human experience. Early human paintings found on cave walls depicted man’s strife, struggle and survival, told and passed on the story. Our forms of artistic expression evolved with us. Thanks to...

Lieutenant Governor Marketing

Report June 2014 There are just a few days left until the end of our Toastmaster year. Let’s finish it off with the same enthusiasm as we started our year. I hope this year has been a year of growth and learning for you and that you have achieved your goals or made...

Lieutenant Governor Marketing

Report June 2014 There are just a few days left until the end of our Toastmaster year. Let’s finish it off with the same enthusiasm as we started our year. I hope this year has been a year of growth and learning for you and that you have achieved your goals or made...

Editor’s Word

Greetings fellow Toastmasters and readers, Hello from your new Corroboree editor.  From now Corroboree will have a new look and feel.  Our intention is to bring it out more frequently (and yes, I confess we’ve had a slow start getting out of the blocks on this first...