Overview for club officer training (COT)
Attending Club Officer Training (COT) is an integral part of the club leadership experience. By attending training, you will have the opportunity to develop real-world leadership skills, form support networks with your peers, and take away knowledge and ideas which can help you succeed in your club role.
District 69 offers two rounds of training for club officers every year, in June-August and November-February. Club leaders are strongly encouraged to attend sessions in both rounds in order to gain the most for benefit in terms of skills, ideas, and networking.
Members may also attend these sessions in order to learn more about leadership, as well as any future club roles for which they are considering nominating.
Club Officers who participate in training also help their club to achieve its Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goals for the year.
Format and DCP Credit Requirements
- Club Officer Training will be Division-based, with most Divisions conducting face to face events. District 69 also has several online clubs, as well as remote clubs, so there are also a limited number of Club Officer Training sessions that will be conducted online via the District’s Zoom platform.
- Regardless of whether the event you choose is free of charge or has a small charge (maybe to cover the venue and the catering), you are requested to please pre-register in advance, as a courtesy to the organisers.
- Training events will be offered across a range of weeknights and weekends in January / February.
- Training content will focus on critical knowledge areas to support club leaders, such as membership building, growing leaders, club quality, and also includes breakout modules for each individual officer role.
- To qualify for DCP training credit for your club, club officers must attend their selected training event, including the club officer breakout session for your officer role. If you hold the same role in multiple clubs (e.g., Secretary for 3 clubs), they only have to attend that breakout role once, not once per club.
- To qualify for special District 69 mention at the annual ‘Hall of Fame’ event, all 7 of the 7 club officers must each complete their COT attendance in both Rounds 1 & 2.
Attendance Examples
Example A: A member holding one club officer role in one club must attend a single training event, including that role breakout session.
Example B: A member who is the same club officer role in two or more clubs (e.g., President of two clubs) can fulfil the role attendance requirements exactly as per Example A above. Please let the person recording attendance at your chosen event know that you need to be signed off for multiple clubs from that single attendance.
Example C: A member who is multiple different types of club officer roles (such as both Secretary and Treasurer, or both VPM and VPPR) across one or more clubs, needs to attend the club officer breakout session for each club officer role they hold. Depending upon which training event you choose, and how many times it runs the 7 club officer breakout sessions in that one event, that could be achieved at a single event, or perhaps require attending multiple training events.
For information regarding dates, times and venues for all Club Officer Training please refer to the events calendar on this site.
Would you like to Volunteer to help with COT?
Every organisation needs volunteers who are willing to help. If you are interested in improving your training and facilitation skills, passing on the wisdom you’ve gained from your vast experience in your particular club officer role, or you wish to assist in a Technical Support role in a Zoom meeting, then we want to hear from you.
Your first point of contact to volunteer for this would be either your Division Director or the District 69 Program Quality Director. See the District Executive page for contact details. We look forward to helping you improve your training / facilitation / technical skills, whilst you help your fellow members and clubs improve their own club officer skills.