Denis and Bruce Morcombe

Denis and Bruce Morcombe

Denise and Bruce Morcombe Accept Communicator of the Year Award

Around the world, Districts are encouraged to recognise Communicators and Leaders in their communities who are NOT Toastmasters and about 70 of these awards are presented each year.  All clubs are invited to nominate people in the community for this award and this year there was an overwhelming number of nominations for Denise and Bruce Morcombe – parents of Daniel Morcombe, Founders of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation.  The District Team is proud to announce that Denise and Bruce Morcombe are the District 69 Communicators of the Year for 2013-14.  They will accept the award at the District Convention on Saturday morning 3rd May at 11 am (approx). This will be just before the Council meeting –  it would be wonderful if you could be there to show your encouragement for these two very brave people.

Distinguished District – Within Reachwithinreach

Will we be a Distinguished District by 30 June?  That really depends on our clubs.  One of the goals for our District to be Distinguished is achieving the membership goal.  Mid year renewals deadline was 1 April – when your club is asked to have all membership renewals in.

At 16 April we have 1,011 membership fees NOT paid.  You are a valued member, please make sure your club has sent in your renewals.  Please see the Lt. Governor Marketing report in this issue for more details.

It’s That Time of Year … When You Can Grow Your Career!!

April is an interesting time of year in Toastmasters – it’s when all clubs take nominations for the club officer roles for the Toastmaster year starting 1 July.  Elections are scheduled for the first meeting in May.  Stepping into a leadership role is a significant opportunity.  It offers you a chance to expand your leadership capacity in a safe and supportive environment.  At work we all aspire to progress our career. Often a promotion will require us to lead a team, to manage projects, to take a leadership role.

Grow-Your-Career-LogoTaking on a role, on the club executive or as an Area or Division Governor, gives you access to great management and leadership training, and the opportunity to test yourself in an environment where you are supported and you we can therefore stretch your wings and step into the unknown.  This learning can then be translated into the workforce.  This training and experience can be cited in a job interview or workplace review and the role be included in a resumé.  Being a Toastmaster earns a tick of approval from employers.  Having held a leadership position within Toastmasters gets a double tick.

Thank you District 69 – you are an awesome group to work with and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Convention.

Best regards and have a safe and happy Easter break!

Marilyn Freeman

District Governor 2013-14 District 69 Toastmasters.