Our founder Dr. Ralph Smedley wrote that the most successful clubs have at least 20 active members participating in their program, and challenged all clubs to strive toward having a minimum of 30 members on their roster.
Use the resources below to help your club achieve Dr. Smedley’s membership vision and create a strong and vibrant club.
You can find the most up to date documents at
The Membership Journey
Every member comes to Toastmasters for their own individual reasons, however almost every new member follows a similar path on their journey to joining a club.

Every club should strive to make this process as simple and painless as possible for its prospective members, as a bad impression at these early stages may turn a potential Toastmaster off joining your club altogether.
The resources below document each stage of the new member journey and provide tools your club can use to make the experience an enjoyable one for your current and future members.
If there are any resources you would like to see added to the list, email to provide your suggestions.
New Member Journey Resources
Webinar – New Member Journey – a mini video series covering the New Member Journey and the tools available to help you grow your club