Club Roles Overview
The guiding document for club management is the Club Leadership Handbook. This document is updated as changes occur by Toastmasters International. Use this document as your primary resource in doing your leadership role in your club.
Always remember The Toastmasters Promise.
The club President is the chief executive officer of your club and is responsible for fulfilling the mission of your club.
Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan handbook
New versions required:
Club Executive Meeting template
Vice President Education
The Vice President Education is the second-ranking club officer and is responsible for planning, organizing and directing a club program which meets the educational needs of the individual members. As vice president education, you are the club’s chief scheduler and the primary expert on education awards, speech contests, and the mentor program.
Vice President Membership
You are the club’s number one recruiter. You manage the process of bringing in guests and converting those guests into members. The vice president membership is the third-ranking club officer and is responsible for planning, organizing and directing a program that ensures individual member retention and growth in club individual membership.
From Prospect to Guest to Member
How to Build a Toastmasters Club
All About Toastmasters brochure
Develop your Leaders from Within
Vice President Public Relations
The Vice President Public Relations is the fourth-ranking club officer and is responsible for developing and directing a publicity program that informs individual members and the general public about Toastmasters International. You are the club’s link to the outside world, the person in charge of notifying the public about the club’s existence.
Confidence: The Voice of Leadership
The club Secretary is responsible for club records and correspondence. You are the club’s primary note-taker and record-keeper.
New versions required:
Minutes template
The Treasurer is responsible for club financial policies, procedures, and controls. The club Treasurer receives and disburses, with the approval of this club, all club funds; pays to Toastmasters International all financial obligations of this club as they come due, and keeps an accurate account of all transactions. You are the club’s chief accountant.
District 69 Expense claim form (for District-related expenses)
The Sergeant At Arms is responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation, and hospitality. You keep track of the club’s physical properties, such as the banner, lectern, and other meeting materials. You arrive early to prepare the meeting place for the members, and you stay late to put away and store all of the club’s equipment.
Mission of a Toastmasters Club
More Info
Do you need to find out more about club leader roles?
More information on Club Officer Roles can be found on Toastmasters International.
Order Name Tags & Trophies
Do you need to order Club Member Name Tags or Trophies?
Click Here to Download the Order Form
Click Here to Download the Award Display
Useful Toastmasters International Links
Templates for many aspects of a club’s operation
Change Club Bylaws
Club Officer List
Club Officer Info Form (PDF)
Club Officer Roles
Communication Track
Conduct Club Business
DCP Rules and Requirements (PDF)
Educational Program
Leadership Track
Meeting Roles Descriptions
Order Form (PDF)
Order Products Online
Organization Chart (PDF)
Policies and Procedures
WHQ E-mails for Member Questions
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