1. Opening by the chairman
  2. Welcome to guests and members
  3. Apologies
  4. Minutes
  5. Last club meeting

    Motion: That the minutes of the club meeting held on ……… be confirmed as printed.

    Last executive meeting

    Motion: That the decisions of the executive meeting held on ……… be ratified.

  6. Business arising from the minutes
  7. Correspondence
    • inward
    • outward
  8. Motion: That the inward correspondence be received and the outward be adopted.

  9. Business arising from the correspondence
  10. Treasurer’s report
  11. Motion: That the treasurer’s report be adopted and the accounts be confirmed and passed for payment

  12. Other reports e.g. executive members
  13. Motion: That the reports be adopted.

  14. General business
  15. Date of next meeting
  16. Closure

Graham Miller, DTM
District Parliamentarian