We’ve come so far: the goal is nigh!

Do you realize that it is only fifteen (yes 15) weeks to the end of the Toastmasters year?  As I produce this report, I think  “…and so much, still, to do”.

Firstly let us look at what has been achieved with the great efforts by our members in the previous 37 weeks of this year.

Both rounds of Club Officer Training have been completed with only outstanding reports for the 2nd round to be submitted.  These have to be with Toastmasters International by the 31st March to be recognised.

Three successful training sessions have been conducted for Area and Divisional Governors to assist their leadership skills.  District thanks them and the trainers for their dedication and professionalism to this training, the results of which can be seen by all, by the way District 69 is progressing.

To date member educational goals are well ahead of this time last year in most awards which is very pleasing.   This means is that not only are members achieving personal goals, it is also benefiting the Clubs right through to District as members become better leaders and communicators as they lift their knowledge and experience base.   This base will assist in presenting better prepared speeches, outstanding comprehensive evaluations and more productive business sessions.

Here is the update on Educational Awards for District 69 as at 2 March 2014.

March 2014            March 2013          March 2014       March 2013

CC  146                             150                       ACG 14                11

CL  105                              107                     ALB 53                 33

ACB  45                              44                       ALS 18                  9

ACS 20                               26                       DTM 13                8

Now back to the future:  our next 15 weeks.

Currently the Division Conferences are being conducted and from all reports of district officers attending, they have been exceptional, both in the contests and the organizational skills.   Imagine what District 69 Convention will be like.

May is a crowded month as not only do we have the District Convention, Clubs also hold club elections at the first meeting in May.  How is your club’s succession planning going? Have you identified and approached members as yet for Club Executive roles as yet?

Earlier I mentioned where District stood with Educational goals and progress so far.   The district team asks two things of you in this area.  Firstly submit Educational achievements as soon as they are gained so that an up to date running tally is shown.   Secondly please do not hold submission of achievements to the next year even though your club may have succeeded in its goal setting.  Those retained achievements may negate your Area, Division or even District from being Distinguished and prejudice the hard work of others.

Ian Pinker,

Lt. Governor Education & Training